Newsletter nº61
IPRA-CINDER es una organización internacional, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro cuya finalidad principal consiste en promover y fomentar el estudio de los temas y cuestiones relacionados con el registro de la propiedad.
New Date - Congress Porto
Os recordamos que las fechas del XXII Congreso de IPRA-CINDER son del 6 al 8 de octubre 2021. Toda la información en la web We remind you that the XXII IPRA-CINDER congress will take place in Porto on the 6th to 8th October 2021. More info in |
Learn about title security in British Columbia
Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA) is member of IPRA-CINDER since the last international congress held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia on May 2018.
On this post we are going to learn about the Title Security in British Colombia. To read the post, please follow the link
Guide to buying land & house in Nigeria
Buying land in Nigeria involve various legal requirements and key procedures to be followed. The first key step towards purchasing a land in Nigeria is to engage a lawyer who can conduct a land search in respect of the property and investigate the title document of the land. Follow the link