Comparative analysis of Spanish coastal law & the the maritime-terrestrial zones law of Costa Rica
Jesús Sanz, Spanish land registrar, presented in Costa Rica a very interesting paper about juridical systems of Spain and Costa Rica are compared concerning different realms, such as the coast legislation, demarcations or the existence of public-use easements. You...
Nisga’a Land Title System
Stacy Maurier, land registrar of Nisga'a Land Title Office (NLTO) exposes the regulation of NLTO, a property registry serving a northwestern Canadian native community, highlighting the idiosyncrasy of his registry system, as well as the main challenges it faces...
Determining the purpose and functionality of land registers
Today we share the paper presented by Ivan Jacopetti do Lago, land registrar of Sao Paulo, Brasil. The present paper aims to analyze the juridical possibilities regarding the coexistence, over the same estate, of different property rights, or different parts of the...