The Red Registral Iberoamericana, IBEROREG, is an interconnection project of the public land registries of Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal,...
Videos IRIB
Our colleagues from Instituto de Registro Imobiliário do Brasil, IRIB, prepared some videos promoting the IPRA-CINDER Congress in Porto. In these videos appear Jose Antonio Dias Toffoli, President of the Federal Supreme Court and National Council; Marcelo Martins...
Interview to Filomena Rosa and Luisa Clode in Revista Registradores
The magazine Registradores de España publishes in the issue number 89 an interview to Filomena Rosa, President of Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado of Portugal and Luisa Clode, President of the Organizing Committee of the congress. In the interview, they...