Newsletter nº54

Newsletter nº54

Newsletter nº54 IPRA-CINDER is an independent non-profit making international organization, the main purpose of which is to promote and to encourage the study of all subjects and matters related with land registry. New Date - Congress PortoOs recordamos que las fechas...
Access to public information

Access to public information

Access to public information Lavinia Figueroa from Guatemala writes the following essay. It analyzes the right to access to public information in Guatemala within the Human Right and it moorings through the legal system in the Constitution of the Republic of...


IPDR Instituto Peruano de Derecho Registral (IPDR) has organized webinars about the Land Registy and COVID 19.  Today 9 July, starts with Lourdes González, General Director of the Registros Públicos of Paraguay. We will keep you updated with information about these...
ELRN Workshops 2020

ELRN Workshops 2020

ELRN Workshops 2020 The last workshop of the European Land Registry Network took place on 25th and 26th June, and Contact Points from 22 EU countries participated actively in the discussions. Although this Workshop was initially scheduled face-to-face in Bruges, due...