Newsletter nº52
IPRA-CINDER is an independent non-profit making international organization, the main purpose of which is to promote and to encourage the study of all subjects and matters related with land registry.
New Date - Congress Porto
Os recordamos que las fechas del XXII Congreso de IPRA-CINDER son del 6 al 8 de octubre 2021. Toda la información en la web We remind you that the XXII IPRA-CINDER congress will take place in Porto on the 6th to 8th October 2021. More info in |
Elogio a la hipoteca / Praise for the Mortgage
ELRA Study
ELRA launched a study on the special measures implemented in the Land Registries in Europe due to the unusual situation COVID-19. ELRA Members answered a four-question survey focused in 4 main areas: organisational, legal, economic and work-load statistical areas. As a conclusion, most countries noted a decrease in the number of applications, customers, and activities. The differences between countries depends on their counter-COVID 19 policy, how advanced they are in new technologies and the level of damage by the virus. More info in the following link (Source: ELRA) |