Discover the rules and principles that govern Ipra-Cinder

At Ipra-Cinder we work under a regulatory framework that defines our principles, goals, objectives and system of management. As a living organization in constant evolution, we have revised our regulations a number of times, at regular and extraordinary assemblies from 1974 to the present day:

  • Madrid, 5 October 1974
  • Sao Paulo, 25 July 1975
  • Roma, 2 July 1981
  • Buenos, Aires, 4 December 1981
  • Rio de Janeiro, 12 May 1987
  • Marrakesh, 5 November 1998
  • Moscow, 5 June 2003
  • Fortaleza, 10 November 2005
  • Amsterdam, 19 September 2012


What Are Our Principles?

  • To facilitate and organize communication between members in order to coordinate activities and strengthen bonds of unity and fraternity.
  • To promote and encourage the study of subjects and matters relating to registration.
  • To share these studies and all other research related to the organization’s speciality, by publishing an international journal.
  • To give advice on matters pertaining to the organization’s speciality.
  • To act as an office where books, journals and other publications on law, technology and registry organization can be exchanged.
  • To endeavour to create registry law centres or institutes in all countries and to encourage them to join Ipra-Cinder.
  • To hold international congresses.
  • To team up with the pertinent international organizations.