Newsletter nº51

Jun 2, 2020Newsletter

IPRA-CINDER es una organización internacional, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro cuya finalidad principal consiste en promover y fomentar el estudio de los temas y cuestiones relacionados con el registro de la propiedad.

New Date - Congress Porto

The Organizing Committee of the XXII IPRA-CINDER Congress, to be held in Porto, in a videoconference meeting, after consulting the members of IPRA-CINDER and taking into account their responses, decided to postpone the Congress to the 6th, 7th and 8th October 2021, maintaining the same place at Alfândega Congress Center.

In these circumstances, all the terms and deadlines previously set, must now be understood by reference to the year 2021.

For further information please consult the website


The IMOLA III project, started on the 9th March and to be developed in the next 24 months, was launched during a Kick-off Conference by videoconference last 14th May.

IMOLA III is a follow-up project with the aim to consolidate the semantic model for Land Registry interconnection (LRI) in order to get the interoperability of metadata related to the juridical information supplied by ELRD.

ELRA had the honour to count with the Director General for Environment, Daniel Calleja, who talked about the Land Registry information as a tool of environment protection implementation. DG Justice, DG Digit and DG FISMA also participated in the conference as Directorates General involved in the project.

The high participation which consisted of 60 representatives from Land Registries around Europe, the European Universities and EC, is proof of the success of the conference. (Source: ELRA)

Libro ponencias Colombia

Próximamente saldrá publicado el libro con las ponencias presentadas durante el XXI Congreso IPRA-CINDER de Colombia que tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Cartagena los días 2 al 4 de mayo de 2018. Se presentaron alrededor de 70 ponencias que aparecen recogidas en el libro.