Newsletter nº62

Dic 11, 2020Newsletter

IPRA-CINDER es una organización internacional, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro cuya finalidad principal consiste en promover y fomentar el estudio de los temas y cuestiones relacionados con el registro de la propiedad.

New Date - Congress Porto

Os recordamos que las fechas del XXII Congreso de IPRA-CINDER son del 6 al 8 de octubre 2021. Toda la información en la web

We remind you that the XXII IPRA-CINDER congress will take place in Porto on the 6th to 8th October 2021. More info in



IBEROREG (Red Registral Iberoamericana) and IPRA-CINDER are organizing an on-line conversation between Jose Antonio Quiros, President, and Alfonso Candau about common interests for both institutions and particularly the IPRA-CINDER Congress in Porto October 2021. It will be moderated by Sergio Saavedra, Director of the Technical Office of IBEROREG.

We will soon inform you about the dates and time of the video conference.

IRIB Brazil

On the elections held in IRIB (Instituto do Registro Inmobiliário do Brasil), Jordan Fabricio Martins and Jose de Arimateia Barbosa have been elected president and vice president, respectively for the next following 2021-22.