Newsletter nº67

Apr 27, 2021Última Newsletter

IPRA-CINDER is an independent non-profit making international organization, the main purpose of which is to promote and to encourage the study of all subjects and matters related with land registry.

Publication papers of Colombia

Finally and with a little bit of delay, we are glad to inform you that we have available the book with the papers presented during the last IPRA-CINDER congress in Colombia that took place in the city of Cartagena in May 2018. The book is printed and digital version (PDF, EPUB and MOBI). If you want the publication, please send an email to

Publicación ponencias de Colombia

Finalmente y con cierto retraso, os informamos que ya está disponible el libro con las ponencias presentadas durante el XXI Congreso Internacional de IPRA-CINDER. El libro se ha editado en formato papel y digital (PDF, EPUB y MOBI). Si quieres el libro, escribe un correo electrónico a